Monday, April 9, 2007


And my mom danced with an ipod because she's a ninja!

Seriously!!..................well not quite! lol

I love these little gibberish fill-in-the-blank things! lol (I dont know what to call them! hehe)

But you know you wanna fill it out! Go ahead, do it! And post it in the comments section!

I would love to hear yours! ;) Now.....hurry so we can all share!

Here's how to play:

Pick the month you were born.

Pick the day (number) you were born.

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing.

Now type out the sentence you made using the answers below:

Pick the month you were born:

January----------I kicked

February--------I loved

March------------I punched

April---------------I swam with

May---------------I choked on

June---------------I murdered

July----------------I did the Macarena with

August-----------I had lunch with

September------I danced with

October----------I sang to

November-------I yelled at

December-------I ran over

Pick the day ( number) you were born on:

1----- --a birdbath

2-------a monster

3-------a phone

4-------a fork

5-------a Mexican

6-------a flamingo

7-------my cell phone

8-------my dog

9-------my best friends' boyfriend

10------my neighbor

11------my science teacher

12------a banana

13------a fireman

14------a stuffed animal

15------a goat

16------a pickle

17------a squirrel

18------a spoon


20------a baseball bat

21------a ninja

22------a snowman

23------a noodle

24-- ----your mom

25------a football player

26------my sister

27------my brother

28------an ipod

29------a permanent marker

30------a llama

31------a zombie

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:

White----------because I'm very pretty.

Black----------because that's how I play.

Pink------------because I'm cool like that.

Red-------------because the voices told me to.

Blue------------because I can see the future.

Green----------because I love to boogie.

Purple----------because your mom's cool.

Gray------------because the voices in my head told me to.

Yellow---------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars

Orange---------because I tripped over my house

Brown----------because I love my pillow.

Other-----------because I'm a ninja.

None-----------because I can't control myself

See arent they fun?! lol My daughter yelled at a baseball bat because she loves her pillow! hehe Gosh these are too silly!!! I wonder if my Step dad really did yell at a squirrel because he can see the future?!?!........................

Thanks Sarah for the great idea! ;)

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